Gay Spank Sagisawa Higi – The Idolmaster Sloppy Blowjob

Whilst watching this Mr Smith had unzipped my pants and was giving me head, Mrs Smith was sitting on the bed with her nightdress pulled up and her fingers pulling at her pussy, once the video had finished Mrs Smith asked would I mind fucking her again, as I climbed on top I felt Mr Smith playing with my balls, this felt really nice and as I was slowly thrusting into the pussy I felt Mr Smith’s finger slip into my arse, I froze for a few seconds but since there was no pain I started to move again, I then notice a pleasant feeling deep inside, and the hand must also of noticed cause a few seconds later a second finger entered me, this was fantastic as every time
I went forward my cock felt great and when I went back my insides felt fantastic, it was then that Mr Smith asked me to stop for a few seconds as he was going to get into a better position as his fingers were beginning to feel tired, he then placed his hand on my right buttock and I then felt his cock at my entrance before I could say no he had already slipped inside me, at first he felt a little bit big but he leaned forward and asked me if I wanted him to stop, I thought there is no point now your already in, so I just started to thrust forward, this then gave him the nod to match my movements within a few dozen thrust he had already filled my arse and I had filled his wife. Over the next few weeks this almost became a nightly event until one night Mr Smith had already filled my arse and I was fucking Mrs Smith when I heard the door open and close, as I turned around I noticed four male clients standing there all holding their cocks in their hands and one was holding a video camera (later I found out it wasn’t turned on) it was then that the first male leaned forward and said do you mind if I stick my cock in you tight little arse, before I could reply he had already pushed his cock head towards my hole, as he entered I felt a sharp sting in my arse as he felt quite large, I must have been as he said tight because just as he started to thrust he started to fill my bowels, he then turned his head and told the other three, this man pussy is the tightest he has ever had, the next male was a short fat man with a small stubby cock, he had to lift up his belly as he shoved his cock in, although short and fat this man meant business he pounded me for 5 minutes and then held my hips tight by both hands as he deposited his seed deep inside me, this was when I realised I was still hard and inside Mrs Smith, I felt Mrs Smith’s pussy start to twitch and this put me over the edge, I started to fill her pussy what seemed like an eternity, as I stopped cumming, Mrs Smith asked if I could pull out of her as she was already full and that maybe I should just lay on my belly so I can feel the joy of being a cum slut.

Hentai: (C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS)

(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 0(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 1(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 2(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 3(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 4(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 5(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 6(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 7(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 8(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 9(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 10(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 11(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 12(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 13(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 14(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 15(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 16(C87) [Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou (Mafuyu)] Sagisawa Higi (THE IDOLMASTER CINDERELLA GIRLS) 17

(C87) [感電少女注意報 (真冬)] 鷺沢秘戯 (アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ)

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